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Animal Crossing New Horizons Bunny Day

It’s that time of year and Nintendo has gifted us with the first annual Bunny Day event in . Here’s how to begin the Easter egg hunt in this new seasonal event.

每年的那个时候,任天堂在《 我们举办了第一届年度兔子节活动。 这是在新的季节性活动中开始复活节彩蛋搜寻的方法。

什么是兔子节? (What is Bunny Day?)

Animal Crossing New Horizons Bunny Day(2)

In the Animal Crossing world, the Easter holiday is always celebrated as “Bunny Day” during the first several days of April.


Bunny Day will officially launch on April 12, 2020, but the egg hunt begins on April 1, 2020. This event is led by a costume-clad bunny, Zipper T. Bunny, who will randomly appear around your island. By talking with them, they’ll fill you in on the details of the event.

兔子节将于2020年4月12日正式开始,但是狩猎鸡蛋的活动将于2020年4月1日开始。此活动由身着服装的兔子Zipper T. Bunny带领,他将随机出现在您的岛屿周围。 通过与他们交谈,他们将为您填写活动的详细信息。

Decorated eggs can be found on April 1 and the event will continue through April 12th. In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, players can collect decorated eggs to craft limited-time DIY Recipes for egg-themed special furniture and clothing.

装饰鸡蛋的时间为4月1日,活动将持续到4月12日。 在“ 动物穿越:新视野”中 ,玩家可以收集装饰好的鸡蛋,制作限时DIY食谱,以鸡蛋为主题的特殊家具和服装。

如何开始兔子节活动 (How to Begin the Bunny Day Event)

First, you’ll need to ensure that your Animal Crossing: New Horizons game version is up-to-date.

首先,您需要确保您的Animal Crossing:New Horizo​​ns游戏版本是最新的。

More than likely, you’ve been prompted to update the game version to Version 1.1.1 already, but if you’re not sure, navigate to the Animal Crossing: New Horizons launcher on your Nintendo Switch Home Menu and select “Options” with the + on your joy-con controller.

很有可能已经提示您将游戏版本更新为1.1.1版,但是如果不确定,请导航至Nintendo Switch主页菜单上的Animal Crossing:New Horizo​​ns启动器,然后选择“选项”。 joy-con控制器上的+。

Animal Crossing New Horizons nintendo switch home

If you are updated to the latest version, you’ll see “Ver. 1.1.1” in the top-left corner under the title name. If not, select “Software Update” and “Via The Internet” to download the version update to your Nintendo Switch (internet connection is required).

如果您已更新到最新版本,则会看到“ Ver。 标题名称左上角的“ 1.1.1”。 如果没有,请选择“软件更新”和“通过Internet”将版本更新下载到Nintendo Switch(需要互联网连接)。

Press the “A” button to submit any changes.

按“ A”按钮提交任何更改。

nintendo switch version update

When launching the game, the game version is displayed in the top-right corner of the screen. It should say “Version1.1.1a” to signify the start of the Bunny Day event.

启动游戏时,游戏版本显示在屏幕的右上角。 它应该说“ Version1.1.1a”以表示兔子节活动的开始。

By downloading the latest patch, Isabelle or Tom Nook will announce the upcoming Bunny Day event in their daily announcement.

通过下载最新的补丁程序,Isabelle或Tom Nook将在其每日公告中宣布即将举行的“兔子节”活动。

After launching the game, it’s time to hunt down Zipper T. Bunny.

启动游戏后,是时候寻找Zipper T. Bunny了。

哪里可以找到拉链T.兔子 (Where to Find Zipper T. Bunny)

Animal Crossing New Horizons Zipper T Bunny

As you wander around your island, keep an eye out for Zipper T. Bunny hidden behind trees and up on the cliffs. You can also listen for hopping sounds—the character likes to hop around as you get near them.

当您在岛上闲逛时,请留意隐藏在树后和悬崖上的Zipper T. Bunny。 您还可以收听跳跃的声音-角色喜欢在靠近它们时跳跃。

Once you’ve found Zipper in New Horizons, they’ll explain that they’ve hidden six different types of eggs around the island: earth, leaf, stone, wood, and water. All of these eggs are found outdoors.

“新视野”中找到Zipper之后,他们将向您解释说他们在岛上隐藏了六种不同类型的卵:土,叶,石头,木头和水。 所有这些鸡蛋都在户外发现。

The closer Bunny Day approaches, the more DIY Recipes will be hidden around the island.


Zipper will automatically give you the Bunny Day Bed recipe by talking to him and thus beginning the event.


鸡蛋的种类 (Types of Eggs)

As mentioned above, there are multiple types of eggs that feature different color schemes. Here’s where you can find all of the in-game items.

如上所述,有多种鸡蛋具有不同的配色方案。 在这里您可以找到所有游戏内物品。

土鸡蛋 (Earth Eggs)

Animal Crossing New Horizons Bunny Day earth egg

Earth Eggs can be found by digging on the star-shaped patterns in the game that generally indicate buried fossils. Use your shovel to dig up the egg.

可以通过在游戏中挖掘通常表示埋有化石的星形图案来找到地蛋。 用铲子挖鸡蛋。

叶蛋 (Leaf Eggs)

Animal Crossing New Horizons Bunny Day leaf egg

Leaf Eggs will grow on trees like fruit. Just shake the tree to get them down and then pick the eggs up to add them to your inventory.

叶卵会像水果一样生长在树木上。 只需摇晃树使其倒下,然后捡起鸡蛋将其添加到库存中即可。

石蛋 (Stone Eggs)

Animal Crossing New Horizons Bunny Day stone egg

Rocks will spit out Stone Eggs when you hit them with a shovel or an ax. You will find them alongside iron ore, clay, and other materials.

用铲子或斧头砸石头时,石头会吐出石头蛋。 您会在铁矿石,粘土和其他材料旁边找到它们。

木蛋 (Wood Eggs)

Animal Crossing New Horizons Bunny Day wood egg

Hit a tree with an ax to find Wood Eggs. You might have to chop at multiple trees as not every tree drops eggs.

用斧头击中一棵树,找到木蛋。 您可能需要砍倒多棵树,因为不是每棵树都掉鸡蛋。

水鸡蛋 (Water Eggs)

Animal Crossing New Horizons Bunny Day egg

Water Eggs will spawn as a fish shadow that can be fished up using the fishing rod.


天空蛋 (Sky Eggs)

Animal Crossing New Horizons Bunny Day sky egg

Use a Slingshot to shoot balloons from the sky to get a Sky Egg. The item will appear in your inventory once you open the present that drops from the air.

使用弹弓从天空射击气球以获得“天空蛋”。 打开空投礼物后,该物品就会出现在您的库存中。

在神秘岛上找到更多鸡蛋 (Find Even More Eggs on Mystery Islands)

If you’ve run out of rocks and trees to gather eggs on your island but you’re itching for more, you can visit a Mystery Island to continue your hunt.


By shopping at the Nook Stop kiosk, you can exchange 2,000 Nook Miles for a Nook Miles ticket that you can redeem at the airport. This ticket will take you to a randomly generated Mystery Island.

通过在Nook Stop售货亭购物,您可以将2,000 Nook Miles兑换成可以在机场兑换的Nook Miles机票。 这张票将带您到随机生成的神秘岛。

Here, you’ll find plenty of rocks and trees to uncover even more eggs.


查找DIY食谱 (Finding DIY Recipes)

Animal Crossing New Horizons Bunny Day DIY Recipes

Finding DIY Recipes is a little more time-intensive than hunting the eggs. Here are a few places to find the limited-time Bunny Day DIY Recipes.

查找DIY食谱比猎取鸡蛋要花更多时间。 这里有一些地方可以找到限时的兔子节DIY食谱。

鸡蛋留言瓶 (Egg Message Bottles)

Animal Crossing New Horizons egg message bottle

By wandering around the coast of your island, you can discover Egg Message Bottles that will contain a DIY Recipe and a message from Zipper T. Bunny.

通过在岛上海岸漫步,您会发现鸡蛋留言瓶,其中将包含DIY食谱和来自Zipper T. Bunny的消息。

岛屿居民 (Island Residents)

Animal Crossing New Horizons Bunny Day residents

If you have built up relationships with the residents on your island, they might give you a Bunny Day Recipe. Go around your island and have a conversation with your neighbors.

如果您与岛上的居民建立了关系,他们可能会给您“兔子Eclipse谱”。 环岛游,与邻居交谈。

气球 (Balloons)

Shooting down a balloon with a slingshot in Animal Crossing.

When you shoot down balloons with your slingshot, you may receive a Sky Egg or a DIY Recipe. The balloons appear at random, so ensure that you keep your slingshot on hand in case one flies overhead.

当用弹弓击落气球时,您可能会收到“天蛋”或DIY食谱。 气球随机出现,因此请确保将弹弓放在手边,以防有人飞过头顶。

On April 12, 2020, Zipper T. Bunny will appear on your island to celebrate the Bunny Day event. If you’ve made every Bunny Day DIY Recipe, Zipper will reward you with an extra special Bunny Day DIY Recipe.

2020年4月12日,Zipper T. Bunny将会出现在您的岛屿上,以庆祝Bunny Day活动。 如果您制作了每个“兔子节” DIY食谱,“拉链”将为您提供额外的特别“兔子节” DIY食谱。



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